Juhi has a generous personality. Her drive, positivity and versatile design perspective allows her to contribute to the team keeping our shared goals in mind.
I’m from Chennai, India.
List your education BS Arch, University of Cincinnati; M.Arch, University of Maryland; Certificate in Urban Design, University of Maryland
Any community service? I organize an annual housewarming basket drive to donate to the Housing First Initiative at Friends of Boston's Homeless.
Why PCA? Exciting projects that breathe new life into their surroundings, great opportunities for professional growth and a brilliant group of people who work hard and play hard!
My earliest architectural memory is growing up in Chennai, there was a river passing through my neighborhood that was very polluted and unpleasant to look at. But every time I passed by that river on my way to school and back, I would imagine it restored with a vibrant riverwalk with different kinds of seating, interactive artwork, public plazas and activities that brought the community together. I didn't really know what architectural or urban design was at that point, but I loved looking out the window of whatever vehicle I was traveling in as a kid and dreaming up new possibilities for all kinds of buildings and public spaces across the city.
I’m drawn to design because it is so deeply rooted in hope and optimism! It challenges us to work together to envision a better future for a place - and by extension - for entire neighborhoods, cities and our planet.
I’m inspired by travel! I find that breaking away from the everyday rut and exploring something new helps me see things from a different perspective.
I’m concerned about the environmental and social impact of what we are building in the present.
Cats or dogs? Big, friendly dogs!
Coffee or tea? Piping hot English Breakfast tea, twice a day or I will disintegrate.
One thing most people don’t know about you I went to a really cool international boarding school up in a mountain range in India for my last two years of high school, with students and teachers from over 80 different countries coming together for a multicultural learning and living experience. It was life-changing!
My favorite creative endeavor I love dancing! Creating, learning or performing choreography makes me immensely happy, and I could just do it forever.
My best vacation A travel abroad semester that took my architecture studio through France, Italy, Switzerland, Greece and Turkey to study design on site.